Wednesday, 21 January 2009

A Long Time Coming

Ok so here it is, the official Svendsgaard blog! Well, not official for all Svendsgaards, just official for one, me! If any other Svendsgaard claims that this blog is the official blog of that other Svendsgaard, they are spreading falsehoods! Find them and tell them NO!

I meant to start this thing years ago, but then there was the whole Nigerian Investment Scam thing and The Great Meat Debacle of '06, and things just we're too crazy! Now that things have settled down, and now that President Obama is in office, what better way to start than with my 3 biggest fans...or my only 3 fans?

BabyJ, DGirl, and Lil'D:

They rock.

1 comment:

Hoopachoo said...

I'm a fan too, add me to the list. (It's only cause I wanna hang with those cool kids)